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There is no planet B: Our climate-friendly production

Our goal is to be able to produce completely climate-neutral by the end of 2021.

By 2050, the world population will grow to up to 10 billion people. All these people want to be dressed. If we believe the forecasts, up to 160 million tonnes of clothing would be sold in 2050 – three times as much as today. As a result, the fashion industry would be responsible for 26% of all global CO2 emissions (currently 10%) and 22 million tonnes of microfibres would be released into our oceans. (Source: Fashion for Good, Amsterdam)

We are doing our best to offer you an alternative:

Our baby alpaca sweaters are 100% made in the country of origin. All our alpaca wool comes from the Andes in Peru.

Alpacas are shorn once a year. The wool fibres are sorted by hand. This process is done by hand and can never be mechanized, because the variable properties of the fibre can only be judged by experienced hands and eyes.

The wide range of natural colours that alpaca offers like no other natural fibre requires only a very slight dyeing of the wool.

As we are guided by traditional production methods of indigenous people, all our pieces are carefully handmade. The knitting machines in our main production facility (Mr. Rubén’s family workshop) are powered by solar panels on the roof of Rubén’s house.

We compensate the journey of our sweaters from Peru to Hamburg and the corresponding emissions with the help of Atmosfair and thus support certified climate protection projects.

Last but not least, our partnership with RePack helps to reduce CO2 emissions when shipping our sweaters.    

In this way, we create responsible and sustainable textiles in the best possible harmony with our environment, providing a totally wearable answer to the fast fashion industry.


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