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The Story of the Puma – ‘the God of our earth’

Each one of our products (we like to call them works of art) tells a unique story and thus gives our garments a meaning – a special spirit. This is the story behind our 100% baby alpaca sweaters, which carry the Pumas in the heart of their designs.

Our story is about spirituality. About the deep faith that determines the way of life.

In the Inca world, the sun, moon, earth, plants, animals and everything around are divine beings. According to the Inca religion the world is divided into 3 levels: Hanan Pacha represents the divine world, Kay Pacha the earth or living world and Uku Pacha the world of the dead.

In these levels three holy animals exist, determining the division of the world. The condor, the puma and the snake. The condor represents the Apus, the Gods of the Andes. The puma is symbolic for our earthly world. The snake is the symbol for the underworld, for hell.

The puma is a sign for strength, wisdom and intelligence. According to the Incas, his qualities are patience and strength. The puma stands for courage, freedom and power. He teaches us to walk the path of peace. The Puma is the deity who represents our earth.

Many indigenous people tell that the puma used to come into the villages and attacked the alpacas. For this reason, the Andean people prayed to the Apus (the gods of the Andes) to chase the puma away.

Nowadays most pumas are gone. Nevertheless, many women in the indigenous communities weave the symbol of the puma into their clothes to keep the legend of this divine animal alive.

Be a part of this story and keep the legend of the Incas and the puma alive.


Our works of art

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