Each one of our products (we like to call them works of art) tells a unique story and thus gives our garments a meaning – a special spirit. This is the story behind our 100% baby alpaca sweaters, which carry the alpacas in the heart of their designs.
Our story is about friendship. About a lifelong partnership between humans and animals.
Even today, most indigenous people, the descendants of the Incas, live together with their alpacas high up in the Andes at over 3000 – 4000 meters above sea level. Many of them live and profit from the wool of their alpacas and the trading of agricultural products with other communities.
According to a centuries-old ritual of the Incas, the young sons of the alpaca shepherds become godparents of two baby alpacas each – one female and one male. The patronage is symbolic for the special bond between humans and their animals. The sons of the alpaca shepherds are supposed to protect the baby alpacas from predators such as pumas, foxes or even condors and must ensure a happy and healthy life for them. In return, the baby alpacas will ensure the future livelihood of their godparents with their wool and offsprings.
As soon as the baby alpacas turn one year old, the ritual of patronage takes place between the boy and the alpacas. According to the ancient rite of the Incas, the godfather blows his breath into the mouth of the alpacas. The indigenous villagers believe that a lifelong connection is thus established. With the help of coca leaves they pray for health and fertility of the animals. Chicha, a home-brewed corn wine, also plays an important role in the ceremony, as the animals are blessed with the drink. At the end of the ritual, food is symbolically prepared as an offering for the mountain spirits.
This unique ceremony symbolises the beginning of a lifelong relationship, the friendship between humans and animals in harmony with Mother Earth – Pachamama.